Every Armbar Error Society Podcast

We do eFeds. A lot of them. We also talk about eFeds. A lot! We have had many podcasts with many different hosts among AES history, and now we want to make them more easily accessible!

The PodcAESt #3 - Grappling Of Glory


This one actually takes place first in PodcAESt canon, but that's not pertinent information unless you read the PodcAESt side novels and the promotional tie-in comic. Host Sam Gladwin and showrunner RoZo talk about Grappling Of Glory's first year!

Categories | The PodcAESt (feat. Sam Gladwin)


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 118.38MB - Duration: 1:19:51 m (207 kbps 48000 Hz)