We do eFeds. A lot of them. We also talk about eFeds. A lot! We have had many podcasts with many different hosts among AES history, and now we want to make them more easily accessible!
In this edition of CokeIbushi's weekly AES recap podcast, our host is joined by The #SCUMBAGS (Beardy and Sam Gladwin), who spend a great deal of of time avoiding talking about MallBrawl 4NVR and their development as efed creators.
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 148.61MB - Duration: 2:09:51 m (160 kbps 44100 Hz)
In this installment of CokeIbushi's weekly recap podcast, The Art Of The Deal (Francis Ugondus and Phukfaic) joined our host to discuss the week's occurrences - most notable of which were the unveiling of the 2016 AES Awards!
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 177.96MB - Duration: 2:35:30 m (160 kbps 44100 Hz)
In the very first edition of CokeIbushi's weekly AES recap podcast, the man himself covered the events of Febuary 2017, including most notably National E-Wrestling Day 5!
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 121.5MB - Duration: 1:46:10 m (160 kbps 44100 Hz)